系统goh文件 (go 文件系统)

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Why does computer OS take up so much storage when it's just mostly made up of texts of code?
【单词】computer [kuh?m-'pyoo-ter][k?m'pju?t?(r)] n. 电脑;计算机
【单词】storage ['stawr-ij]['st??r?d?] n. 保管;贮藏;仓库;[计]存储器
【单词】mostly ['mohst-lee]['m??stli] adv. 主要地;通常
【单词】code [kohd][k??d] n. 代码,编码
【专有名词】OS [os][???'es] abbr. 操作系统=(Operating System)

I understand computer operating systems aren't just made up of texts, but I still don't understand how it can take up 10-20 gb of storage when it doesn't have that many images or videos.
【单词】operating 原型:operate ['op-uh-reyt]['?p?re?t] v. 操作;运转;经营;动手术
【单词】gb,也写作GB 是gibibyte的简写 信息或计算机存储的一个单位
【单词】images 原型:image ['im-ij]['?m?d?] n. 影像;图像;图片

It's a lot of text.
【短语】a lot of ... 许多;例句:We have grown a lot of beautiful roses this year. 今年我们栽种了许多漂亮的玫瑰。

Like a whole whole lot.

The Windows git repo is 300GB.
【译】Windows操作系统的 git 仓库存储空间占用为300GB。
【单词】git repo 这里指存储计算机代码的一个虚拟“仓库”,可以理解成存储代码的虚拟空间
【专有名词】Windows n. 微软公司生产的“视窗”操作系统

Though to be fair this also contains a lot of old stuff.
【单词】fair [fair][fe?] adj. 公平的 adv. 公平地,直接地
【单词】contains 原型:contain [kuhn-'teyn][k?n'te?n] vt. 容纳;包含
【单词】stuff [stuhf][st?f] n. 东西;原料;材料

But this is also compressed.
【单词】compressed 原型:compress [kuhm-'pres]['k?mpres] vt. 压缩

The source code for the linux kernel which is only a small part of a fully functioning OS in 2010 compressed was about 60MB, about 500MB uncompresed and compiles down to about 70MB.
【短语】part of ... (某事物的)一部分;例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。
【专有名词】Linux 诞生于1991 年10 月5 日,是一套免费使用和自由传播的计算机操作系统,是一个从UNIX发展而来,基于多用户、多任务、支持多线程和多CPU的操作系统
【单词】kernel ['kur-nl]['k??nl] n. 核心;仁;中心
【单词】fully ['foo?l-ee]['f?li] adv. 十分地;完全地;全部;足足
【单词】functioning 原型:function ['fuhngk-shuh?n]['f??k?n] vi. 运行;起作用
【单词】compiles 原型:compile [kuhm-'pahyl][k?m'pa?l] vt. 编译;编制;编纂

You can slim it down a lot if you know the exact hardware, but in general an OS will need to be able to run a wide variety of hardware that may or may not be present without needing to be recompiled.
【单词】slim [slim][sl?m] v. 减肥;缩减
【单词】exact [ig-'zakt][?ɡ'z?kt] adj. 精密严谨的;确切的
【单词】hardware ['hahrd-wair]['hɑ?dwe?] n. [计] 硬件
【单词】variety [vuh-'rahy-i-tee][v?'ra??ti] n. 多样;种类;多样化

And will also need to have and support a wide variety of 电脑 programs.
【单词】programs 原型:program ['proh-gram, -gruh?m]['pr??ɡr?m] n. 程序;软件

That leads to a lot of code that isn't actually used on any specific hardware setup.
【单词】setup ['set-uhp]['set?p] n. 装备;安装

The base OS takes a lot less than 10-20Gb, the bloat comes with all the add-ons.
【单词】base [beys][be?s] n. 底部;基地;基础;基数;基线
【单词】bloat [bloht][bl??t] n. 膨胀;肿胀
【单词】add-ons 原型:add-on ['ad-on, -awn][?d ?n] n. 追加;附加,附件

The OS just tells the computer how to interact with basic peripherals, but people expect browsers, mail applications and so on to be standard.
【单词】interact [in-ter-&#电脑39;akt][??nt?r'?kt] vi. 相互作用;相互联系;相互影响;互动
【单词】peripherals 原型:peripheral [puh-'rif-er-uhl][p?'r?f?r?l] n. 外围设备
【单词】browsers ['brou-zer][b'ra?z?z] 浏览器
【单词】mail [meyl][me?l] n. 邮件

Images and video are also made of lines of code, and actually a much simpler code than OS.

All an image code needs to do is tell the output device what pixel to light up in what color.
【单词】output ['out-poo?t]['a?tp?t] n. 输出 vt. 输出(信息等)
【单词】device [dih-'vahys][d?'va?s] n. 装置;设备
【单词】pixel ['pik-suhl, -sel]['p?ksl] n. 像素

OS line of code needs to tell a bunch of different parts what do do, when to do it, how to interact with other parts etc.
【单词】bunch [电脑buhnch][b?nt?] n. 串;束;一群;捆
【单词】etc ['etk] abbr. 及其他;等等(=Et cetera)

As others have said, most of the space is taken up by graphics like logos, icons, etc.
【短语】most of ... 大部分,大多数的;绝大多数;例句:I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
【单词】graphics 原型:graphic ['graf-ik]['ɡr?f?k] n. 图表
【单词】logos 原型:logo ['loh-goh]['l??ɡ??] n. 商标;标识;图形
【单词】icons 原型:icon ['ahy-kon]['a?k?n] n. 偶像;象征;[计算机]图标

This is true but most programs that you run on your computer are not just "texts of code".

Most computer languages use a program called a compiler to translate the text into a special format that the computer can execute, because computers cannot understand straight text.
【单词】compiler [kuhm-'pahy-ler][k?m'pa?l?] 电脑 n. 编辑者;[计算机]编译器;编译程序
【单词】translate [trans-'leyt][tr?ns'le?t] v. 翻译;解释;转移;调动
【单词】format ['fawr-mat]['f??m?t] n. 版式;设计;格式
【单词】execute ['ek-si-kyoot]['eks?kju?t] vt. 执行;实行;完成
【单词】computers 原型:computer [kuh?m-'pyoo-ter][k?m'pju?t?(r)] n. 电脑;计算机
【单词】straight [streyt][stre?t] adj. 直的;坦率的;正直的;准的

This special format is called a binary.
【单词】binary ['bahy-nuh-ree]['ba?n?ri] adj. 二进位的;二元的 n. 二进制;二元

On windows, these are .exe files or .dll files.
【单词】files 原型:file [fahyl][fa?l] n. 档案;卷宗;文件

The reason that these take up so much space is because they have special instructions that tell the CPU what steps to take, almost like an instruction manual.
【单词】instructions 原型:instruction [in-'struhk-shuhn][?n'str?k?n] n. 指令;教学;教诲;说明
【单词】steps 原型:step [step][step] n. 步骤;步伐
【单词】instruction [in-'struhk-shuhn][?n'str?k?n] n. 指令;说明
【单词】manual ['man-yoo-uh?l]['m?nju?l] n. 指南;手册
【专有名词】CPU [?si?pi?'ju?] abbr. [计算机]中央处理器(=central processing unit)

Windows also depends on a lot of other programs also for things like device drivers.
【单词】depends 原型:depend [dih-'pend][d?'pend] vi. 依赖;依靠;取决于
【单词】drivers 原型:driver ['drahy-ver]['dra?v?] n. 驱动器,驱动程序

All of these things together, constitute a lot of space on your disk.
【单词】constitute ['kon-sti-toot, -tyoot]['k?nst?tju?t] vt. 构成;组成;任命;建立;制定
【单词】disk [disk][d?sk] n. 圆盘;磁盘

电脑 电脑