IOC(Inversion of Control)控制反转:所谓控制反转,就是把原先我们代码里面需要实现的对象创建、依赖的代码,反转给容器来帮忙实现。那么必然的我们需要创建一个容器,同时需要一种描述来让容器知道需要创建的对象与对象的关系。这个描述最具体表现就是我们所看到的配置文件。

DI(Dependency Injection)依赖注入:就是指对象是被动接受依赖类而不是自己主动去找,换句话说就是指对象不是从容器中查找它依赖的类,而是在容器实例化对象的时候主动将它依赖的类注入给它。先从我们自己设计这样一个视角来考虑:


可以用 xml,properties 文件等语义化配置文件表示。


可能是 classpath,filesystem,或者是 URL 网络资源,servletContext 等。回到正题,有了配置文件,还需要对配置文件解析。





Spring 核心容器类图


Spring Bean 的创建是典型的工厂模式,这一系列的 Bean 工厂,也即 IOC 容器为开发者管理对象间的依赖关系提供了很多便利和基础服务,在 Spring 中有许多的 IOC 容器的实现供用户选择和使用,其相互关系如下:

public interface BeanFactory {
//对 FactoryBean 的转义定义,因为如果使用 bean 的名字检索 FactoryBean 得到的对象是工厂生成的对象,
//根据 bean 的名字,获取在 IOC 容器中得到 bean 实例
Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException;
//根据 bean 的名字和 Class 类型来得到 bean 实例,增加了类型安全验证机制。
<T> T getBean(String name, @Nullable Class<T> requiredType) throws BeansException;
Object getBean(String name, Object... args) throws BeansException;
<T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType) throws BeansException;
<T> T getBean(Class<T> requiredType, Object... args) throws BeansException;
//提供对 bean 的检索,看看是否在 IOC 容器有这个名字的 bean
boolean containsBean(String name);
//根据 bean 名字得到 bean 实例,并同时判断这个 bean 是不是单例
boolean isSingleton(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
boolean isPrototype(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
boolean isTypeMatch(String name, ResolvableType typeToMatch) throws
boolean isTypeMatch(String name, @Nullable Class<?> typeToMatch) throws
 //得到 bean 实例的 Class 类型
Class<?> getType(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
//得到 bean 的别名,如果根据别名检索,那么其原名也会被检索出来
String[] getAliases(String name);

在 BeanFactory 里只对 IOC 容器的基本行为作了定义,根本不关心你的 Bean 是如何定义怎样加载的。


而要知道工厂是如何产生对象的,我们需要看具体的 IOC 容器实现,Spring 提供了许多 IOC 容器的实 现 。 比 如 GenericApplicationContext ,
ClasspathXmlApplicationContext 等 。

ApplicationContext 是 Spring 提供的一个高级的 IOC 容器,它除了能够提供 IOC 容器的基本功能外,还为用户提供了以下的附加服务。从 ApplicationContext 接口的实现,我们看出其特点:

1、支持信息源,可以实现国际化。(实现 MessageSource 接口)

2、访问资源。(实现 ResourcePatternResolver 接口,后面章节会讲到)

3、支持应用事件。(实现 ApplicationEventPublisher 接口)


SpringIOC 容器管理了我们定义的各种 Bean 对象及其相互的关系,Bean 对象在 Spring 实现中是以 BeanDefinition 来描述的,其继承体系如下:

ioc原理和机制(spring ioc原理及深度解析)(1)


Bean 的解析过程非常复杂,功能被分的很细,因为这里需要被扩展的地方很多,必须保证有足够的灵活性,以应对可能的变化。Bean 的解析主要就是对 Spring 配置文件的解析。这个解析过程主要通过BeanDefintionReader 来完成,最后看看 Spring 中 BeanDefintionReader 的类结构图:

ioc原理和机制(spring ioc原理及深度解析)(2)

通过本章内容的分析,我们对 Spring 框架体系有了一个基本的宏观了解,希望小伙伴们好好理解,最好在脑海中形成画面,为以后的学习打下良好的铺垫。

Web IOC 容器初体验

我们还是从大家最熟悉的 DispatcherServlet 开始,我们最先想到的还是 DispatcherServlet 的 init()方法。我们发现在 DispatherServlet 中并没有找到 init()方法。但是经过探索,往上追索在其父类HttpServletBean 中找到了我们想要的 init()方法,如下:

		*		Map co	nfig par	ameters onto bean pro	perties o	f th	is servlet,	and	
		*		invoke	subclas	s initialization.
		*		@throw	s Servle	tException if bean pr	operties	are	invali	d	(or	requ	ired
		*		proper	ties are	missing), or if subc	lass initialization	fail	s.
	public final void	init() throws ServletExceptio	n {
				if (logger.isD	ebugEnabled()) {
				logger.debug("Initializing servlet '"   getServletName()	  "'"	);
				// Set	bean pr	operties from init parameters.	
				PropertyValues	pvs = new ServletConfigPropertyValues(getServletConfig()	,	
	this.requiredProp	erties);
				if (!pvs.isEmp	ty()) {
				try	{
					BeanWrapper bw = PropertyAccessorFactor	y.forBeanPropertyAcc	ess(this	);	
					//加载配置	信息
					ResourceLoader resourceLoader	= new ServletContextResourceLoader(getServletContext())	;	
					bw.registerCustomEditor(Resou	rce.class,	new	ResourceEditor(resourceLoader	,		
	getEnvironment())	);
					bw.setPropertyValues(pvs, tru	e);
				cat	ch (Bean	sException ex) {
					if (logg	er.isErrorEnabled())	{
					logger.error("Failed to set	bean properti	es on	servl	et '"	  getServletName()		 	"'"	,		ex)	;	
					throw ex	;
				// Let	subclas	ses do whatever initialization	they	like	.
				initServletBean()	;	
				if	(	logger.isDebugEnabled())	{
						logger.debug(	"Servlet		'"		  getServletName()		 		"'		configured		successfully"	)	;	

在 init()方法中,真正完成初始化容器动作的逻辑其实在 initServletBean()方法中,我们继续跟进initServletBean()中的代码在 FrameworkServlet 类中:

	*		Overridden	method		of {@link		HttpServletBe	an}, invoked	after	any		bean		properties	
	*		ha	ve been	set.	Cre	ates this		servlet'	s WebApplicationContext	.
protected final	void		initServletBean	()		throw	s ServletException	{
			getServletContext().log(	"Initializing	Spr	ing FrameworkServl	et '"	 	getServletName()		 		"'"	);
			if	(this.logge	r.isInfoEnabled())		{
				tis.logger	.info	("FrameworkServlet	'"		  getServletName()	  "':	initialization	started"	);
			long startTime	=		System.	currentTimeMillis	();
			try {
				this.webApplicationContext	=		initWebApplicationContext()	;
				initFrameworkServlet()	;	
			catch (ServletExcep	tion	ex)		{
				this.logger	.erro	r("Context	initializat	ion failed"	,	ex)	;	
				throw ex	;
			catch (RuntimeExcep	tion	ex)		{
				this.logger	.erro	r("Context	initializat	ion failed"	,	ex)	;	
				throw ex	;
			if(this.logge	r.isInfoEnabled())		{
				long elapsedTime	= System.	currentTimeM	illis()		-		startTim	e;
				this.logger	.info	("FrameworkServlet	'"		  getServletName()	  "':	initialization	completed	in		"	
				elapsedTim	e   "	ms"	)	;


		*		Initialize a	nd publi	sh th	e WebApplicationContext for this servlet.
		*		<p>Delegates	to {@li	nk #c	reateWebApplicationContext} for actual creat	ion
		*		ofthe conte	xt. Can		be ov	erridden in subclasses.
		*		@return the	WebApplicatio	nContext instance
		*		@see #FrameworkServlet(We	bApplicationContext)
		*		@see #setContextClas	s
		*		@see #setContextConfigLoc	ation
	protected WebApplicationCont	ext initWebApplicationContext() {
				//	先从 ServletContext	中获得	父容器 WebAppliationContext
				WebApplicationContext	roo	tContext =
					WebApplicationContex	tUtils.getWebApplicationContext(getServletContext())	;
				//	声明子容器
				WebApplicationContext	wac	= null;
				//	建立父、子容器之间的关联关	系
				if	(this.webApplicationCo	ntext != null) {
					// A conte	xt insta	nce	was injected at construction time -> use it
					wac = this	.webApplicat	ionContext;
					if (wac instanceof	Con	figurableWebApplicationContext) {
					ConfigurableWebAppli	cationContext cwac = (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext)		wac	;	
					if (!cwac.isActive()	) {
					// T	he conte	xt ha	s not yet been refreshed -> provide services	such	as	c
					// s	etting	t	he pa	rent context, setting the application contex	t id,	et	
					if (cwac.getParen	t() == null) {
					//	The context	instance was injected without an explicit parent	->	set	
					//	the roo	t ap	plication context (if any; may be null) as t	he paren	t
					cwac.setParent	(rootContext);
					configureAndRefre	shWebApplicationContext(cwac);
				//	先去 ServletContext	中查找	Web容器的引用是否存在,并创建好默认的空 IOC容器	
				if	(wac == nu	ll) {
					// No cont	ext instance	was injected at construction time -> see if	one
					// has bee	n registered	in the servlet context. If one exists, it i	s assumed	
					// that th	e parent	con	text (if any) has already been set and that	the
					// user ha	s perfor	med	any initialization such as setting the conte	xt id	
					wac = findWebApplicati	onContext();
				//	给上一步创建	好的 IOC	容器赋	值
				if (wac == null) {
				// No context instan	ce is defined	for this	ser	vlet -> creat	e a local one	
				wac = createWebApplicationContext(rootContext)	;
				//触发 onRefresh方法
				if (!this.refreshEvent	Received) {
				// Either the contex	t is not a ConfigurableApplicationConte	xt with refresh	
				// support or the co	ntext injected	at construc	tion time had	already been	
				// refreshed -> trig	ger initial onRefresh		manu	ally here.
				if (this.publishContex	t) {
				// Publish the conte	xt as a servle	t contex	t at	tribute.
				String attrName = getServletContextAttributeNa	me();
				getServletContext().setAttribute(attrName	,	wac	);
				if (this.logger.isDe	bugEnabled())	{
				this.logger.debug	("Published WebApplication	Context of se	rvlet '"   getServletName()		 	
				"' as Servle	tContext attri	bute wit	h na	me ["   attrN	ame   "]");
				return wac;
		*		Retrieve a {@code WebApplicationConte	xt} from	th	e {@code Serv	letContext}
		*		attribute with the {@l	ink #setContextAttribut	e c	onfigured nam	e}. The
		*		{@code WebApplicationC	ontext} must ha	ve alrea	dy	been loaded a	nd stored in	the	
		*		{@code ServletContext}	before this se	rvlet	ge	ts	initialized (	or invoked).
		*		<p>Subclasses may over	ride this metho	d to provid	e a different	
		*		{@code WebApplicationC	ontext} retriev	al strategy	.
		*		@return the WebApplica	tionContext for	this	servl	et, or {@code	null} if not	found	
		*		@see #getContextAttrib	ute()
	protected WebApplicationC	ontext findWebApplicationC	ontext() {
				String attrName = getContextAttribute	();
				if (attrName == null)	{
				return null;
				WebApplicationContext	wac =
				WebApplicationCon	textUtils.getWebApplicatio	nContext(getServletContext()	,	attrName)	;	
				if (wac == null) {
				throw new IllegalStateException	("No	WebApplicationContext	found:	initializer	not	registered?"	)	;	
				return wac	;
		*		Instantiat	e the	WebApplicationContex	t for this		servlet,	eith	er a	default	
		*		{@link}
		*		or a {@lin	k #setContextClass	cus	tom	context class}	, if		set	.
		*		<p>This implementation	expec	ts	custo	m contexts		to		implemen	t	the
		*		{@link org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext}
		*		interface.	Can be		overridden	in		subc	lasses.
		*		<p>Do not	forget		t	o	register	thi	s se	rvlet instance	as		applicatio	n listener		o	n	t	he
		*		created co	ntext	(for	triggering		its	{@link #onRefresh		callback},	and	to		call	
		*		{@link org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext#refresh()}
		*		before returning		the	context	instanc	e.
		*		@param par	ent the		parent		Application	Context to		use	, or		{@cod	e nu	ll} if		none	
		*		@return th	e WebApplicationContex	t fo	r this servlet	
		*		@see
	pro	tected WebApplicationContext	createWebApplicationContext	(@Nullabl	e ApplicationContext	parent)		{	
				Class<?> contextClass		=	getContextCl	ass();
				if (this.l	ogger.isDebugEnabled())	{
				this.log	ger.debug(	"Servlet	wit	h na	me '"   getServletName()	 
				"'	will	tr	y	to	creat	e custom	WebApplicationContext	conte	xt of		class		'"		 
				contextClass.getName	()	 	"'"	  ", using		parent		conte	xt [	"   parent		 	"]	");
				if (!ConfigurableWebApplicationConte	xt.class.isAssignableFrom(contextClass))	{	
				throw ne	w ApplicationContextExcept	ion(
				"Fatal initializatio	n er	ror	in servlet		wit	h nam	e '	"	  getServletName()		 
				"': custom	WebApplicationCon	text class		["		  contextClass.getName()		 	
				"] is not		of	type		ConfigurableWebApplicationContext"	);
				ConfigurableWebApplicationContext	wa	c =
				(ConfigurableWebApplicationCont	ext) BeanUtils	.instantiateCl	ass(contextClas	s);
				wac.setEnvironment(getEnvironment())	;
				wac.setParent(parent)	;	
				String configLocation		=	getContextConfigLocation()	;
				if (configLocation	!=		null	)	{
				wac.setConfigLocation(configLocati	on);
				configureAndRefreshWebApplicationCon	text(wac);	
				return wac;
	protected void configureAndRefreshWebApplicationCo	ntext(ConfigurableWebApplicationContext	wac)		{	
				if(ObjectUtil	s.identityToSt	ring(wac).equals(wac.getId()))		{	
						//	The applicatio	n	context	id is	still	set	to	its original	default		value	
						//	-> assign	a more	useful	id based	on	availa	ble informati	on
						if	(this.contextI	d	!= null	) {
							wac.setId	(this	.contextI	d);
						else {
							// Genera	te defau	lt id.	..
							wac.setId(ConfigurableWebApplicationContex	t.APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ID_PREFI	X  
							ObjectUtils	.getDisplayStri	ng(getServletContext().getContextPath())	  '/'		 		
	getServletName())	;
				wac.setServletContext(getServletContext(	));	
				wac.setServletConfig(getServletConfig())	;
				wac.setNamespace(getNamespac	e());
				wac.addApplicationListener(	n	ew SourceFilteringListener(wac	,		new	ContextRefreshListener()))	;	
				//	The wac environment	's #initPropertySources	w	ill be	called	in	any		case		when	the	context	
				//	isrefreshe	d; do	it	eager	ly here	t	o ensure	s	ervlet	proper	ty sources		are	in	place		fo	r
				//	use in any	post-processin	g or initialization	that occurs		below		prior		to	#refresh	
				ConfigurableEnvironmen	t env		= wac.getEnvironmen	t();
				if(e	nv instan	ceof	ConfigurableWebEnvironment	)	{
						((ConfigurableWebEnvironme	nt) env).initPropertySources(getServletContext()	,
	getServletConfig(	));
				postProcessWebApplicationContext(wac)	;
				applyInitializers(wac)	;

configAndRefreshWebApplicationContext()方法中,调用 refresh()方法,这个是真正启动 IOC 容器的入口,后面会详细介绍。IOC 容器初始化以后,最后调用了DispatcherServlet 的 onRefresh()方法,在 onRefresh()方法中又是直接调用 initStrategies()方法初始化 SpringMVC 的九大组件:

/*	*
	*	This		implementation		calls		{@link		#initStrategies}.	
	*	/
protected		void		onRefresh	(ApplicationContext	context)		{	
		initStrategies(context)	;	
/*	*
	*	Initialize		the		strategy		objects		that		thi	s	servlet		uses.	
	*	<p>	May		be		overridden		in		subclasses		in		order		to		initialize		further		strategy		objects.	
	*	/
//	初始化策略	
protected		void		initStrategies	(ApplicationContext		context)		{	
		//	多文件上传的组件	
		initMultipartResolver(context)	;	
		//	初始化本地语言环境	
		initLocaleResolver(context	);	
		//	初始化模板处理器	
		initThemeResolver(context)	;
		initHandlerMappings(context)	;	
		//	初始化参数适配器	
		initHandlerAdapters(context)	;	
		//	初始化异常拦截器	
		initHandlerExceptionResolvers(context)	;
		//	初始化视图预处理器	
		initRequestToViewNameTranslator(context)	;
		//	初始化视图转换器	
		initViewResolvers(context)	;
		initFlashMapManager(context)	;	